I'm so excited about this addition to our homeschool tools. She's been carrying this around and inspecting lettuce leaves, finger prints, and anything else that fits under the lens. #brockmagiscope #ranemschoolhouse
We went to see Rudolph at the Stages theater this morning. All of the kids, including Astrid, loved it but Emery was the only one brave enough to get a picture with some of the cast. 😁
So happy to be 3 that he accidentally blew out a candle while giggling. 😆 We sure do love this silly boy. He has such a big personality and brings so much joy to our family! #oscardanielranem
Me and my baking buddy. We made macaroons, peanut blossoms, sugar cookies, and ginger snaps (or ginger pops, as Declan calls them), plus a cake for Oscar's birthday. #nomorebakingplease
I'm over a week overdue and it's already dark outside, but this girl is growing before my eyes so I need to snap her monthly picture now before I forget and she's suddenly not a baby anymore. 😭 #8monthsold #astridevangeline
"Please, continue reading, mom. Don't let my pounding on your book and attempt to rip it out of your hands distract you." #cutedistractions #readingolympics
Game changer. When your kids are able to wash and load the dishes and clear and wipe off the table by themselves while you actually finish eating a meal. 🎉 #ivearrived #homeschoollife
Some days this is what school looks like. Coffee table chaos, Oscar doing a tumbling routine on the couch, and a cranky baby. #homeschoollife #ranemschoolhouse
Painting, painting, painting, painting. Everyday she's painting. 🎨 Which also means extra... laundry, laundry, lots of laundry. Everyday there's so much laundry. 🎶😆
We have officially lived in our house for one year. If you would have told me in September of 2015 that this would be our home in just one month I wouldn't have believed you. I never imagined we'd be here, but I am so thankful for this home and the people I share it with.
One of those extremely rare days where she came out of her room dressed not in a dress, not in leggings, not in a skirt, but in a t-shirt and JEANS! And she even said, "Mom, I love jeans!" What is even happening right now?? 😱
This girl is 7 months old already! Sitting up, scooting around a bit, two teeth in and more coming, and still not a fan of solid food. 💜 #astridevangeline #sevenmonthsold
There may not be many more days left for those little bare toes before they'll need to be covered by layers of socks and thick clunky boots. 🍂🍃🌞 #mnfall #oscardanielranem